Whether you are an artist, writer, filmmaker, animator, designer, illustrator, content creator, or pursuing any other creative endeavor.


My name is Todd Shaffer and I've been where you are, struggling with my craft, wrestling with self-doubt, exhausted by failure, and lost in a sea of creative noise.

Guess what? You're not alone.

You're in the company of creative giants.

Struggle is normal, yet creative flourishing is within your reach.

I've worked with and directed animators, painters, designers, writers, musicians, actors, dancers, motion-capture artists, children's book illustrators, and Broadway performers -- some of the best in the world. I've worked on studio projects for Disney, Netflix, and Warner Bros., and I've worked as an independent on my own films

Everyone struggles. Everyone doubts. Everyone fails to reach their aspirations. Yet, in the midst of the creative battle they make incredible art, write engaging stories, create commanding performances, and move the world with their creative voice.

People call them talented or gifted. They will tell you their talent is not genetic, it came from hard work, obsession, good education, and countless hours honing their craft in the loneliness of a late night lamp. Talent comes hand in hand with commitment.

Creative struggle produces creative growth.

I'm taking what I've learned in 30+ years working as a creative, nurturing creatives, and directing creatives and am putting all that into a course. I've worked in large 200+ studio environments, boutique outfits of 6, and as a lone a freelancer. I know the insecurities that creatives face.

Why am I doing this?

I want to help you avoid the very costly mistakes I've made. What you think about creativity matters. It will steer the course of your craft and your career, and set you up for success or failure.

I have a heart to help creatives find their flourishing

There is a lot of noise on the creative landscape. How are fledgling creatives to make sense of everything, to know what voices to listen to, what advice to heed?

I learned the hard way and made many mistakes. I took the wrong advice, and after I was burned, I tried to figure it out on my own. There were times I was lost. I've wasted thousands of dollars and valuable time taking courses and buying books that did more harm than good.

And I know I'm not alone. Most of my colleagues share similar battle scars. I've reviewed countless portfolios of graduates who spent thousands of dollars and years of their lives on programs that did not give them what they needed. I've seen my own four children struggle in their creative growth.

I also know that the right advice, the right education, the right mindset, and the right expectations can change your path from floundering to flourishing. It doesn't take much to do that.

Anyone can pursue a creative field and become a professional. Anyone. Once you know the battlefield, the tactics, and you know the propaganda, nothing can stop you if you're willing to commit and work hard. Creativity is not the domain of the "talented" or "gifted".

It's available to everyone, including you.

Just a few things you will learn

Supercharge Your Growth

Learn how to take your education and creative growth into your own hands and skyrocket your creativity into the stratosphere.

Overcoming Hurdles

Every creative pursuit is a battle. It's a battle with yourself, process, obstacles, expectations, faint-heartedness, and failure to measure up. How do you face these?

The Folly of the Muse

Many creatives seek mystical creative experiences, chasing the divine light, listening to the Universe, and even praying to the Muse every day. They dehumanize us and cause tremendous confusion. Learn their wiles.

The Education Minefield

The Academy is a mindfield. There are some excellent programs for creatives, but there are programs that will not prepare you and do more harm than good.

The Business of Creativity

There is a business side to all creativity if you wish to make a living from it. Most schools don't teach the business of creativity, and it leaves us vulnerable, and ultimately can sabotage our creativity.

Find Your Unique Voice

Creatives often fret over developing their voice. Voice is one of those qualities that makes us unique and makes us attractive to our audience. There are some simple things to do to develop your voice.

Have you been defeated by creative dead ends? Are you unable to advance in your creative career? Did your education not prepare you for the creative work force?

Sometimes what makes the difference is when we discover that we are the underdog.

Don't let this get you down. Whatever creative deficiency you have, you can turn it into a strength. It often doesn't require as much time and effort as you imagine it does.

We need to take control of our creative growth so that others will take notice of us and we can move the world with our creative voice.

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